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Aug 23 / Gemma Insinna

The Window

The Window  16“ x 12”I have always loved the window in my house, with the early morning the sun shining through. It simply makes the room glow with all the reflections from the sun catchers I had placed there over the years.
It is not easy to portray sunshine in oil paint, as a matter of fact it can be very frustrating to get that contrast just right. The point is to somehow portray the joy that these simple things in life can bring, even more than to be technically accurate.
As with The Window, Summer Shade focuses on sunshine and reflections,16“ x 16”I have done several paintings that celebrate the sunshine, and it it is a recurring theme in many of my works, whether it is a cat in the sunshine or a figure with shadows playing in dappled sunshine on the table…it is always that feeling of happiness that sparkling light inspires! It makes me want to pick up a brush and paint it!
The window and the painting have  inspired me to make some of these sun catchers of my own, using gemstones and crystals, and presenting them as a collection of jewels for the home. I think that we all need a little boost sometimes, and when I see something beautiful I get a thrill of joy that can change my whole day.
I want to either create it in color on a canvas, or create it with the elements of color that gems and crystals give us. I  have been studying the energetic properties inherent in the stones and I have started another blog website called where I discuss it. I feel it is another aspect of creating , kind of like painting in three dimension.
The best part about the window in this painting is that every morning it is a spontaneous explosion of color, and that spontaneity is what makes life so interesting…each day is a new one, each morning a celebration !

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